For orders placed on the goods can be sent to your home via express courier, or collected at the kottu store in Florence in via Arnolfo 21r. will ship exclusively via its own courier and will not allow collection by other shipping services.

Home delivery

All orders are processed within 1-2 working days from the moment of accreditation and shipped via courier which subsequently delivers within 24/48 hours (with the exception of remote areas and islands) with the exception of products made to order or where different shipping times are specified. During periods of store closure, orders will be processed within 5/7 working days from the day of reopening if accredited. In the event that in the same order there are Products available for immediate delivery together with Products to be ordered or Products to be made, the order will be processed in a single solution upon arrival of all the Products not immediately available. winetuscan, however, reserves the right to process orders even partially. Cumulative orders with storage times exceeding 10 days will not be accepted.
On the website, the expected delivery time is indicated next to each Product not immediately available.
The aforementioned delivery times are for indicative purposes only and, although they are usually respected, winetuscan does not assume any commitment or guarantee that they will be respected.
In no case, therefore, can winetuscan be responsible for direct and/or indirect damages due to delayed delivery.
In the event of multiple purchases, at the same time, by multiple Customers, winetusan reserves the right to verify, upon receipt of the order, the availability of the Product and, failing that, to promptly communicate the non-acceptance of the order sent.

We have an agreement with the express courier. The customer will be provided with the necessary tracking to follow the shipment via email or text message provided when entering the data during the purchase. The customer has the right to one delivery attempt, after which winetuscan reserves the right to charge the costs of further delivery attempts, allocate the shipment to the nearest FermoPoint for collection or proceed with returning the shipment to the sender by canceling the order with reimbursement of the cost of the products and withholding shipping and storage costs.
Delivery takes place from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. The courier, in the absence of the recipient, leaves a notice of "delivery attempt" with the information necessary to contact him and arrange a new delivery or collection of the goods at the relevant branch. winetuscan follows the electronic tracking of its shipments to verify their success. In case of difficulty we always take action to try to resolve any problems.

As regards the delivery address of the package, we recommend that our kind Customers report the address where you are physically present, alternatively opt for the address of your workplace, or of another family member, etc. , by carefully filling in all the data (house number, surname on the doorbell, extension number, staircase, etc.) to avoid unpleasant inconveniences, delivery requests will not be taken into consideration in the event of absence at neighbors or unattended areas (doors, entrance halls, gardens etc.).

Upon delivery of the Products by the courier, we invite the Customer to check that the number of packages corresponds to that indicated in the transport document and that the packaging is intact and does not present any damage or obvious alterations. Any damage to the packaging and/or to the product or the mismatch in the number of packages must be immediately reported by the Customer who must affix in writing the wording "CONTROL RESERVE" on the copy of the document which remains with the courier, specifying as best the reason as detailed as possible: the type of damage, the package number, etc. Once the courier document has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any objections regarding the characteristics of what was delivered. winetuscan is not liable in any case for damages not reported following the aforementioned procedure.
Any problems relating to the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of the Products received must be reported within 3 days of delivery by contacting winetuscan who will open a case of damage, theft or anomaly necessary for the replacement of the goods or the resolution of the problem, in case of missing item we will refund the product.
In the case of damaged goods, in order to verify the presence and extent of damage to the physical integrity of the Products caused by transport, everything must necessarily be documented by photos

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